SOCIETY OF AUTHORS ARCHIVE. Vol. CLXX. T. S. Eliot; 1945-1955. Partly French. Consisting mostly of the League's out-letters to Eliot and his secretary, with related enclosures; Eliot's letters were sold at Sotheby's, 30 June 1982, lot 356.Thomas Stea... 1945-1955
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Eliot, T. S. (Thomas Stearns), 1888-1965 (person)
Thomas Stearns Eliot (1888-1965), a poet, critic, editor, and playwright, was born in St. Louis, Missouri. He received a B. A. in 1909 and an M. A. in 1910 from Harvard, where he also pursued a doctoral degree in philosophy. In 1915, he married Vivienne (Vivien) Haigh-Wood. He completed his dissertation in 1916 while living in England and submitted it to Harvard, but was unable to defend it. He was literary editor of the avant-garde magazine The Egoist. In the Spring 1917, he publishe...